
MicroPython メモ 1

参考: Programming the BBC micro:bit: Getting Started with MicroPython, p.25-31 数値は整数と浮動小数点数の 2 種類。 REPL のプロンプトで上向き矢印をクリックすると過去に入力したコマンドがさかのぼれる。 Lua と違って複合代入演算子 (+= など) が…

hello, world

参考: Programming the BBC micro:bit: Getting Started with MicroPython, p.20 from microbit import * while True: display.scroll("hello, world") display.show(Image.HEART) sleep(2000) 文字列は一重二重のどちらの引用符で括ってもよい。 sleep() の…

transfer, upload, and flash

source: Programming the BBC micro:bit: Getting Started with MicroPython, p.8 This file is then transferred to the micro:bit (uploaded or flashed) simply by copying the hex file from your computer's disk drive to the micro:bit's virtual USB…


参考: Programming the BBC micro:bit: Getting Started with MicroPython, p.3 HELLO. A← →B SHAKE! CHASE THE DOT GREAT! NOW GET CODING!