

Guidewire Cloud Platform


environment、environments ???


Guidewire Cloud Data Access

Guidewire ContactManager

ContactManagerはスペースなしが正解。 Guidewire Insurance Suite | Thoughts To Inspire Contact Manager is an Integrated part in the GuideWire complete suite. ContactManager is a web-based enterprise software application designed to manage th…

Guidewire Explore

Introducing Guidewire Data Platform - Guidewire Developers Guidewire Explore: A data analytics and visualization application that provides business insights and accelerates decision making. ビジネスインサイトを提供するとともに意思決定を速…

Guidewire Cloud Data Access

Introducing Guidewire Data Platform - Guidewire Developers Guidewire Cloud Data Access: A solution that extracts incrementally changing and transactional raw data to an S3 bucket in Parquet format. incrementally changing and transactional …

Explore for Claims、Explore for Underwriting、Explore for Policy


Explore for Policy

https://assets.ctfassets.net/vdinc3339dpx/4ZC4BT1MTB7w1d3vomLL18/5868e0c298c27ccd57827acf91d7576a/Explore_for_Claims_Case_Study_Germania.pdf Germania plans to expand usage to include Explore for Policy once the migration to the Cloud is co…

Guidewire Explore for Claims

Germania Insurance Deploys Guidewire InsurancePlatform™ | Guidewire Germania recently selected Guidewire Explore™ for Claims (part of the Guidewire Live Analytics™ platform) to gain greater business insight. Germaniaはさきごろ、~する手段…

Guidewire Explore for Underwriting

Guidewire Announces 2018.1 Release of P&C Insurance Industry Platform | Guidewire Guidewire Explore™ for Underwriting, a new Guidewire Live Analytics™ app, streams data from Underwriting Management in real time and helps underwriting teams…


unit test 単体テスト

タイム トラベル デバッグ

Time Travel Debugging - 概要 - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs Time Travel Debugging は、実行中のプロセスの実行を記録し、後で前後に再生できるようにするツールです。 Time Travel Debugging (TTD) は、バグが見つかるまで問題を再現する必要なく、…

Guidewire Cloud

Guidewire Cloud - ITの可能性を引き出す | Guidewire Guidewire Cloudは卓越した機能を備えた先進的な保険会社のためのプラットフォームです。


AWSの S3ってなに? 初心者でも分かる簡単用語解説 | WafCharm(ワフチャーム) - AWS / Azure /Google CloudのWAF自動運用サービス S3とはAWSのサービスに含まれる機能のひとつで、「Amazon Simple Storage Service」の略称です。オブジェクトストレージサ…