Simscape Onrampを受講するときに気をつけること(R2022a、Online版、2022年6月15日時点)


Unrecognized function or variable 'simmechanics.sli.internal.register_datatypes'.

Multidomain Modeling > The Fluid Domain > Task3のときに[isothermal Liquid Properties (IL)]ブロックのプロパティを下のようにする。

そうしないと正解にならず、Does the following block value match the plotted requirement?というメッセージが出る。

Stateflow Onramp / Next Steps

Next Steps
Congratulations, you have just built your first Stateflow charts! You've learned how to use states and transitions to define the structure of your chart, and how to use transition conditions, condition actions, and state actions to control the execution of your chart.

In this course, you learned how to build Stateflow charts in Simulink. Stateflow is a powerful environment for modeling dynamic systems with instantaneous changes. Simulink allows you to model dynamic systems with continuous changes. Using Stateflow and Simulink together, you describe many real-world systems, such as reactive control systems, finite state machines, scheduling, fault detection, and operational mode logic. (Stateflow can also be used with MATLAB only; see Additional Capabilities below.)

MathWorks has many resources to help you continue your learning. Explore the links below for information on related topics, or to get ideas of how to use Stateflow in your work.
