
同期式モジュロ2^Nカウンター / 非公式訳

/マジュろウ/ p.38 The reason for calling it modulo-2N is to emphasize that its number of states is a power of two, hence encompassing all 2N N-bit codewords (for example, with 4 bits, it counts from 0 to 15). Consequently, no additional ha…

RTL、clocked behavior / 非公式訳

p.35 The following definition is presented on page 4 of the IEEE 1076.6 Standard for VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis: Register transfer level is a level of description of a digital design in which the clocked behavior of the d…

resetとclearと / 非公式訳

/エイスィンクラナス/ p.34 To avoid confusion between asynchronous and synchronous reset, we call the former reset and the latter clear. 非公式訳: 非同期リセットと同期リセットとの混乱を避けるため、本書は前者を「リセット」と呼び、後者を「ク…

edge-sensitive / 非公式訳

p.31 Differently from latches, which are level sensitive, flip-flops are edge sensitive. In other words, a DFF is transparent only at one of the clock transitions (either up or down). If the DFF transfers the input value to the output duri…

transparent、opaque、level-sensitive / 非公式訳

/トゥラアエンスパアエレントゥ/ /オウペイク/ /レジスタ/ p.29 Latches and flip-flops, collectively referred to as "registers," are basic, usually clocked, units capable of storing information. Latches can be divided in two groups, called SR (set…