クロック同期回路のためのテストベンチ / UART RXモジュール / モジュラーテストベンチ
↓ これがテストベンチ:
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity uart_rx_tb is end; architecture testbench of uart_rx_tb is signal reset: std_logic; signal clock: std_logic := '0'; signal rxd: std_logic := '1'; signal rx_strobe: std_logic; signal rx_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- Interface signals between the stimulus and driver processes signal transaction_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal transaction_done: boolean; constant BIT_INTERVAL: time := 8.7 us; constant BYTE_RX_TIMEOUT: time := 11 * BIT_INTERVAL; begin duv: entity work.uart_rx port map( clock => clock, reset => reset, rx_data => rx_data, rx_strobe => rx_strobe, rxd => rxd ); clock <= not clock after 5 ns; reset <= '1', '0' after 20 ns; stimuli_generator: process begin wait until not reset; -- Send to the driver all characters from 0-255, one at a time for i in 0 to 255 loop -- Writing to signal send_data resumes the driver process transaction_data <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i, 8)); -- Wait until driver has completed the transmit operation -- driverプロセスの処理が終わるのを待ってループを繰り返す。 wait on transaction_done'transaction; end loop; wait for BIT_INTERVAL; report "End of testbench. All tests passed."; std.env.finish; end process; -- Convert the byte value on send_data to transitions on the rxd pin. -- Notifies completion with a transaction on send_done. driver: process variable tx_buffer: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); begin -- Wait until stimulus generator requests a transmit operation -- テストデータがやってくるのを待ってプロセスを開始する。 wait on transaction_data'transaction; -- Add stop and start bits, and send value one bit at a time -- ストップビット+テストデータ+スタートビットを作って、LSBから1ビットずつ送る。 tx_buffer := '1' & transaction_data & '0'; for i in tx_buffer'reverse_range loop rxd <= tx_buffer(i); wait for BIT_INTERVAL; end loop; -- DUVにテストデータを与え終えたらstimuli_generatorプロセスに合図を送る。 transaction_done <= true; -- 何かをアサインすればいいだけなのでfalseでもよい。 end process; response_checker: process variable expected_byte: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin -- Make a copy of the high-level stimulus sent to the driver wait on transaction_data'transaction; expected_byte := transaction_data; -- Wait until the DUV acknowledges a reception or a timeout occurs wait until rx_strobe for BYTE_RX_TIMEOUT; -- Compare the actual and expected values of the DUV outputs assert rx_strobe /= '1' report "rx_strobe is 1" severity note; assert rx_strobe = '1' report "rx_strobe IS NOT 1" severity failure; assert rx_data /= expected_byte report "rx_data is " & to_string(rx_data) severity note; assert rx_data = expected_byte report "rx_data IS NOT " & to_string(rx_data) severity failure; end process; end;