Peter, Peter
TMQ says the Giants-Patriots rematch is better than your typical sequel - ESPN
Bad as his errors were, the real error was by the coaching staff. Knowing they were fielding an inexperienced punt returner in a high-pressure situation, San Francisco coaches could have told William to fair-catch every kick. They could have put a teammate next to him to yell "Peter peter!" if the kick wasn't ideal for fielding. ("Peter peter!" is near-universal football code for "Don't touch the ball!")
確かにウィリアムのミスではあった。しかし本当にミスを犯したのはサンフランシスコのコーチ陣であった。プレッシャーのかかる状況で経験の乏しいパントリターナーを起用したことはわかっているのだから、全部フェアキャッチにするよう指示を出しておけばよかったのだ。あるいは、キャッチできそうにないキックであった場合に備えて、ウィリアムの横で「ピーター、ピーター」と叫ぶ選手を指名しておくという手もあったはずだ(「ピーター、ピーター」は「ボールに触れるな」という意味。フットボールでよく使われる)。Chargers offense gets back to the basics - Bolts From The Blue
Return men are taught to yell "Peter Peter" or whatever code word the team chooses if said return man isn't going to catch the ball. You don't scream "Peter" as you're signaling for a fair catch and locating the ball - that's not his job. It's up to the gunner to locate the ball. That's just a fluke play, but it's hard to blame the return man on that one.
Complete Guide to Special Teams - American Football Coaches Association - Google ブックス