nビット加算器 / キャリールックアヘッドアダー / キャリーの遅延を見る
nビット加算器 / キャリールックアヘッドアダー -の続き
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_misc.all; entity n_bits_adder_lookahead is generic ( NUM_BITS: natural := 8 ); port ( c0: in std_logic; x: in std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0); y: in std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0); cout: out std_logic; s: out std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture logic of n_bits_adder_lookahead is signal g: std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0); signal p: std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0); signal c: std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS downto 0); type type_1dx1d is array(1 to NUM_BITS) of std_logic_vector(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0); signal term: type_1dx1d; -- 最適化されないようにする。 attribute keep: boolean; attribute keep of g, p, c, term: signal is true; begin c(0) <= c0; g <= x and y; p <= x or y; process(g, p, c, term) begin for i in 1 to NUM_BITS loop for j in 0 to i-1 loop if j=0 then term(i)(j) <= and_reduce(p(i-1 downto 0) & c(0)); else term(i)(j) <= and_reduce(p(i-1 downto j) & g(j-1)); end if; c(i) <= or_reduce(g(i-1) & term(i)(j downto 0)); end loop; end loop; end process; cout <= c(NUM_BITS); s <= x xor y xor c(NUM_BITS-1 downto 0); end architecture;